ADMISSION FOR 2021-22 L.R.G.Naidu Junior College
Procedure for Enrolment of Students
- Management decides about the Quantum of Intake during the beginning of the academic year.
- Interaction between the college and parents takes place.
- Admission department issues the applications and prospectus and collects nominal fee.
- Record the details of application form in Application form register.
- Receipt of duly filled up application form along with supporting documents.
- Record the details of supporting documents and date of receipt of application form in the register.
- Admin department verifies the adequacy of filled up application form of supporting documents.
- Is the document meeting the requisites?
- No. Inform the student/parent regarding discrepancy.
- Yes. Administrative department organizes for parents meeting with Principal/Vice Principal.
- Principal/Vice Principal conducts interview with reference to application form and supplementary documents
- Result of interview. Is the student getting admission to college?
- No. Result of interview.
- Record the reason of not selecting in the application register (feedback for not receiving of application) DM LRGJC RG 01.
- Yes. Administrative department issues the Bank Challan to the parents for depositing the payment in the assigned bank.
- Record the details of selected students and the challan book number in student enrollment
- Register.
- Is the parents have deposited payment in Bank.
- Yes. Bank issues acknowledgement copy of challan to the parents and to the college.
- On receipt of acknowledgement copy of challan from bank. Administrative department assigns the admission number to the students.
- The details of admission number and receipt of acknowledgement from bank are record in student enrollment register.

Please fill in your details in the below form and submit.