
CASTE YEAR  No. of proceedings  Proceeding No  No. of students  Cr. Date Amount received Rs  Amount disbursed  Amount undisbursed  STATUS Refunded ch No & date 
B.C 2014-15 1 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123RRN0141400007 Proceeding Dt. :08-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 164 22-01-15 160050 160050 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123FRP0141500042 Proceeding
Dt. :17-07-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
338 25-07-15 597940 581740 16200 Refunded toGovt  26677/5.1.2016
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123RRP0141500035 Proceeding
Dt. :11-07-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
187 21-07-15 202730 191090 11640 Refunded toGovt  26668/5.1.2016
2013-14 1 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123RRP0131400046 Proceeding Dt. :22-08-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 52 01-09-14 102820 97000 5820 Refunded toGovt  26680/5.1.2016
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123FRP0131400064 Proceeding Dt. :24-12-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 93 03-01-15 164580 157540 7040 Refunded toGovt  26681/5.1.2016
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123RRN0131400070 Proceeding Dt. :04-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 176 14-01-15 341440 312340 29100 Refunded toGovt  26687/5.1.2016
4 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 123FRN0131400069 Proceeding Dt. :04-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 133 14-01-15 235520 230060 5460 Refunded toGovt  26688/5.1.2016
S.C 2014-15 1 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRN0141400008 Proceeding Dt. :26-12-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 12 22-01-15 11640 11640 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRN0141400022 Proceeding Dt. :23-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 2 13-02-15 1940 1940 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121FRN0141400049 Proceeding
Dt. :30-03-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
40 05-04-15 70760 67240 3520 Refunded toGovt  26690/5.1.2016
4 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRN0141400048 Proceeding Dt. :30-03-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 1 05-04-15 1940 0 1940 Refunded toGovt  26689/5.1.2016
5 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRN0141400040 Proceeding
Dt. :12-03-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
14 31-03-15 13580 9700 3880 Refunded toGovt  26671/5.1.2016
6 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121FRP0141500062 Proceeding
Dt. :27-07-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
1 27-08-15 1760 1760 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2013-14 1 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121FRC0131300022 Proceeding
Dt. :07-03-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14
9 02-04-14 15840 15840 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121FRC0131300021 Proceeding Dt. :07-03-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 11 02-04-14 21340 15520 5820 Refunded toGovt  26675/5.1.2016
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRC0131300021 Proceeding Dt. :07-03-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 2 14-08-14 3880 3880 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
4 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121RRP0131400041 Proceeding Dt. :04-08-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 5 14-08-14 8800 8800 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
5 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 121FRC131400051 Proceeding Dt. :08-12-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 2 03-01-15 3520 3520 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
S.T 2014-15 1 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122RRC0141400002 Proceeding Dt. :03-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 6 03-04-15 5820 5820 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122RRC0141400007 Proceeding Dt. :28-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15 6 03-04-15 5820 5820 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122RRC0141400012 Proceeding
Dt. :25-02-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
1 09-03-15 1940 1940 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
4 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122FRC0141400014 Proceeding
Dt. :05-03-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
4 17-03-15 7040 7040 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
5 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122FRC0141400011 Proceeding
Dt. :25-02-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2014-15
5 09-03-15 8800 8800 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
Minority 2014-15 1 PR NO 127RRPO1415006 15 01-09-15 29100 29100 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2013-14 1 CENTRAL PR NO 5485 DT 13-08-2014. 102 18-08-14 306000 300000 6000 Refunded toGovt  DD NO 821087/DT 05.01.16 SBI
2 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 127FRP0131400012 Proceeding Dt. :07-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 25 14-02-15 44180 44180 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
3 Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 127RRP0131400009 Proceeding Dt. :06-01-2015 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14 8 22-01-15 15520 15520 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16
2013-14   Fresh and Renewal Proceeding No. : 122FRN0131400014 Proceeding
Dt. :11-11-2014 ,Scholarship Type : RTF | Academic Year :2013-14
1 23-04-15 1760 1760 0 Acquaintance submitted  07-01-16